

On indefinite hiatus. Still semi-active on and

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:7

alright, I was wrong about not drawing, I did some doodles, including cute bug girlfriends Vessa (scorpion, left) and Kiki (centipede, right)

okie dokie back to not using twitter for the rest of the week

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gummy shark (candy) boy; squishy, shiny, and sweet

(this one's nearly twice as big on NG: )

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Plague Doctor & Leper from Darkest Dungeon. They're the perfect couple

(this image is almost twice as big over on Newgrounds thanks to Twitter compression: )

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Lightning Elemental OC Vit

four down

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been trying to design a couple of characters, but after several attempts I just can't get a look that I like. probably just gonna bench them and move on

this doodle is the closest I've gotten with one of them; I'll surely end up using the chompy toothy boy look with someone else

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