👻BeetleBooo🌙GHOSTLY DEBUT TBD👻さんのプロフィール画像

👻BeetleBooo🌙GHOSTLY DEBUT TBD👻さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:2309 フォロワー数:1632

honestly this wouldnt be fore me, but its for my best friend :D hes a rams boy in a onesie :D he doesnt have much art or such but he would love this :D and yea he is a guy but hes a soft boy so u can go more femenin with him :P no muscles and such :P

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i think i got it! i wanted to try out my 2 outfits with this <3 i hope you like it <3

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got my first covid shot FINALLY!! I hope the shot doesn't effect my goblin body but echo got hers too so we will suffer together XD or she will just take care of me <3 bwhahah

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Thank you to Everyone who tuned into my music and art stream :D it was alot of fun and super crazy!! i for sure wanna do this again :D i got alot of work done and i feel like i have accomplished alot :D

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i want to know and meet all the goblin Vtubers and everything! GOBBOS UNITE! IF YOU KNOW A GOBBO OR ARE A GOBBO INTRODUCE YOUR SELF TO MEET FELLOW GOBLINS!

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hello! this is my current stream png model but i have a base used for vrc but i want something more original, this was the first version but now shes alittle more demon the 2nd photo was the more updated but now shes like the 3rd photo

my streams are playful and loving <3

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i want to be in your project sooo badly Q.Q please!!!!

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