

Professional Game Master and Storyteller
(Pronouns: Any/All)
(Officially non-binary as of 2024)…

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I just came struck upon an idea for a D&D campaign villain so epic that I think I am going to start outlining my first homebrew campaign for her…

Take two parts Aurelia Hammerlock and one part “Early Draft” version of Yzma…

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So proud to have made the most vile, loathsome villain I've ever put into D&D. And he's not even the core antagonist of the campaign!

Watching players interact with his foul behavior is just a delight.

's Odyssey of the Dragonlords rules.

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My dorky ass sitting here, waiting for this week’s patch notes like it’s a big movie event.

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D&D Livestream Alert!
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM PDT

It’s the return of the main Odyssey! Four heroes of Greek mythology will venture to save the land of Thylea from the wrath of Titans.

It’s been a while, but we hope to see you there. 🐂

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College of Grace: A Bard Subclass

Stories exist beyond what just music or words can convey. This Bard subclass allows you to masterfully move through your adventures and control the tempo of battle.



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- The Dredge’s ability is very literally to come out of the closet.

- They were released during Pride Month.

Dredge is a Queer Icon and we must celebrate them as such. 🏳️‍🌈

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Played as the Dredge last night, which was my first time seeing them in action.

They are PHENOMENAL. What a great idea, and so terrifyingly executed. I love This!

The Worst Snail has slimed its way into my heart.

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Squirrel Girl: The Unbeatable Radio Show has become my feel-good show of thé millenium. Only six episodes but fantastic!

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“That depends. How much blood are you willing to lick?” - is leading another carefree and lighthearted Curse of Strahd session.

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