

Comics artist & illustrator
No AI. Pens & paper.

フォロー数:1348 フォロワー数:52905

Hello people! Still hoping some of you would consider getting some Lego exclusive minifigs for me at the convention (or on ebay)! Today is Stranger Things' Barb!
You'd get a commission like below, and I'd throw in a sketchbook!
Did anyone get the Spider-Man? I'm desperate!

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There you go, fan arts I did for Overwatch since the release! :)

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Hello I'm a bit late but I thought I would participate, for once.
I'm a comics artist & illustrator mostly, and I currently work on a comics series named Death Or Glory!

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I've been hoping for one for YEARS!

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Another sunday working on pages at the studio.
Death or Glory is coming back soon now.
In the meantime, a random old Spider-Man I still really like. Hope you're having a great week-end!

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For no particular reason, a Supergirl cover I did in 2016 with a composition I was free to do as I please (which is rare), I really like it.
Have a great week-end (even if you're at the studio working like me)!

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So I finally managed to finish this fan art, started 4 months ago.
ready to intervene between those two guys down there.
I hope you like it! It's been a while since I did a detailed fan art.

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So I'm pretty crazy about this girl and, for fun, we tried to do each other's portrait! I'm not super good with likeness in general but the model is quite inspiring.

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My Lego game is better than yours.

(War rig design & instructions by , Furiosa minifig from Citizen Brick)

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Hey so yeah, I committed another Gwen image. I never tire of her.
Welcome, Ghost Spider! Be ready for the new series!

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