

Hi! its Berkie!, He/Him, 21, Plant Jackal, learning artist and a plant lover, I hope I can send some good vibes your way! always love making new friends!

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Raffle prize for , they want to remind you to stay safe and hydrated!.. though hands are hard to draw..

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unfinished doodle.. i don't know if i wanna try an finish it.. but regardless, i hope you all are faring better with your demons then I am with mine currently... ill be fine, I just wanted to say to anyone else struggling, your not alone.. we all have different stories to tell.💛

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So... I'm thinking about trying to do a gift art/raffle thingy sometime in the future.. I'm still a newbie to art though.. so would anyone even be interested in participating? 👉👈

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Thanks for the opportunity, Your art is Amazing an inspiring.

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I decided to do a quick draw of 's Character Azzi! i had alot of fun doing it, and i think it came out well.

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I dont normally do much art. but I decided I would share this piece. I could've definitely done better but I could feel myself starting to lose focus an so I didnt wanna end up abandoning the project. Plus Practice Makes Perfect!

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Yay!!! Me with my plant, Done by the amazing During todays Art Raffle, Please go over there and show your support if you haven't already.

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I Figured its time I started working on a Ref Sheet, I took a free wolf ref chart and changed it to look more like a jackal, then colored it.

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Check out this awesome pic and thank you again Check them out they are an awesome artist.

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