Sailor Swell 🫐 🔞 💫さんのプロフィール画像

Sailor Swell 🫐 🔞 💫さんのイラストまとめ

27 | he/they | Kink Twitter 🫐 🎈

DM's Open | Former dA Inflation Artist/Writer | Want to be Feminine ✨️

JRPG Lover 🎮 | Don't be too weird 😇

フォロー数:228 フォロワー数:854

I have a healthy obsession with this character... I swear... 🫐

8 ^ )

7 62

The Case for the Silverbloat (AKA, why Ethel destroys my brain when I think about her expanding)

Inspired by a post made last weekend and with his permission : )

7 23

Love her 💚

She'll get more brain rot soon 🫐🎈

1 13

My brand is women in green becoming giant blue orbs and I have accepted it

1 16