

Call me (Mas/Kang/Kak) Beru | Mainly Speak ID | 2D & 3D Animator | Stickmen, Minecraft, & hololiveID fan ▶

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The last drawing in November.
If Daisy was in Murder Drones Imma try using hashtags.

4 26

While i'm waiting Fiona Mermutany streaming Minecraft again, i drew this.
I hope you coming back.

2 13

Man, i finally finished this. I'm proud with this art.
Meet Gerrisa, she's my Terraria character. Idk, am i will use her as my third OC.

5 32

Back to drawing. Currently i'm working an animation. Tyron belongs to Kaos Gezgini.

5 15

I released the art. I made this when they're having a birthday, especially for Violettia. She's birthday today!

3 9

Speedrun drawing for

3 30

Hands are pretty good at this drawing 😀

4 19

When Sumandep is a HENGKER.
It's "Hacker" Godammit! (That's how Indonesian spell it)

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