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What if Senna is the new Star Guardian for Ahri's team after Syndra betrays them? Senna's star is shaped just like Ahri's team. https://t.co/CuKuZk5nvo
I love new Star Guardian splashes, don't get me wrong, the quality is amazing and it's so well done, but something I miss, that gives the feeling of Star Guardians, is the night sky, the starry night behind giving this mystical and Star Guardian feeling.
I love theories about SG Villains playing a chess game. Makes me think that Morgana is the Queen, Zoe is the Rook, Syndra is the Bishop and Fiddle is the Knight. Morgana has a gem crown and the elements seems to be on the others. Like Fid's horse scythe, Zoe/Syndra's Eyes.
SG Tokens from 2017 and SG Token from 2022. Both having Ahri's star as inspiration, I really hope that means she will be important in this event too.
Fiddle's star is so special and different shaped, even from Zoe that was from the first Star Guardian team ever. What if Fiddle is actually the First Star and Morgana corrupted the First Star, that's why Kaisa is so shocked with Fiddle on her lines? Another crazy theory by me.
@AndroidK1ttyVAL Her icon/emote and gemstone on the ward looks like being corrupted, could just be normal colors tho. But she is in the Fidd splash and doesn't look corrupted but rather fighting against him, so I don't know...
So weird seeing human Hecarim and Kalista
From here btw: https://t.co/Noj70iq066
Fiddlesticks - So good, feels like the witches from Madoka Magica and I love how twisted he is. Can't wait to know more about it.
Nilah - I LOVE HER VFX. I just don't like the choices for her base colors, the green/purple/pink is just not it. This chroma should've been base SG.