

29 // House // Good Omens // Tolkein // the 1975 // Marauders…

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I finally have time to do more art, so here's a little shot of a WIP

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I understand that fraud feeling, but consider that the feeling might be the real fraud? Nobody is perfect but you're doing your best and dvem when you cant do your best you are lovely and loved. Sending much much much love ❤️

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So since I'm about to get a graphics tablet, this is probably gonna be the last instalment of though it's a bit harder to tell he was the reference here - obviously from Gospel of Us. Bit of a weird choice but I thought it'd be interesting and I was right! 🤷‍♀️

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Art Train! QRT with your art and tag some artists who deserve more love :>

I have a very small range ahahaha

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And now for something a bit different - White-suit

(I think I'm going to have to admit defeat and get a drawing tablet soon...)

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Another couple of offerings - A speedy, grainy Boldwood I drew to cheer myself up when I hit a bit of a slump last night, and a much more cared for Miles portrait (Really pleased with this one!) ❤️

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It's past midnight, that means I'm officially 25 and can no longer claim my 'early twenties' as an excuse for being silly. Staving off the existential dread of turning, like, a proper adult age by knocking out a speedy - this time, bake-off sheen! Now to bed 😴

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Ok so I started messing with layers and backgrounds on so have some Pride Freddies

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Something not Michael Sheen related for once but check out my Freddie Mercury I did this morning!

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