Best Start Swanseaさんのプロフィール画像

Best Start Swanseaさんのイラストまとめ

Great ideas for activities and hints and tips for parents of pre-school children in Swansea. Find us on Facebook too

フォロー数:718 フォロワー数:494

The sun was shining, so they all went out into the garden. And together they all built an epic den in the jungle

2 5

Roedd yr haul yn disglerio, felly aethon nhw i gyd mas i'r ardd. Gyda'i gilydd, adeiladon nhw le cuddio gwych yn y jyngl.

0 3

Bwyton nhw ffyn golau oren..Saethwyr pys o Blwton..a pherlau porffor. "Ewch a'r rhain adref gyda chi i'w mwynhau," meddai Seren, gan roi bag o lysiau iddyn nhw adref gyda chi i'w mwynhau,"

0 4

They tried Orange Lightsabers...Pea shooters from Pluto..and Neptune Nibbles. "Here, take these home and enjoy them," said Seren handing them a bag of vegetables

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