

Bestfriend ♡ I hope you like and respect my fanart ♡ Your support is my motivation to continue drawing♡ IG: Bestf_wendy

フォロー数:69 フォロワー数:730

Happy Lunar New Year~ !!!!🐏🐐🐑🐏🐐🐑

90 63

Fighting!화이팅!~It will be hard sometimes,but it will pay off =]

138 87

I love your voice ❤our pretty boy Happy Birthday !!#BFJeongmin22ndDay

46 16

Happy new year!2015 is Boyfriend's year ♥

61 27

haha...Donghyun Christmas tree xD

15 7

🎁🎄🎅🎄Merry Christmas ⛄️⛄️🎉🎉🎁

42 23

There are 6 differences😄RT Play the Spot the Difference game, Find the Differences!

22 18

\뿌염/ \뿌염/ \뿌염/ \뿌염/ \뿌염/ \뿌염/

37 20