

PaintiNG / MusiC / LifE

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Good afternoon everyone~ This is BiGJohN.

I'll make a long story short, I haven't done anything other than work this month.

I want to say some word, but there is still work to do tomorrow, please let me rest first~
("・ω・)"うー! (/・ω・)/にゃー!

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Hello everyone, this is BiGJohN.

1. My poodle had "Pyometra" and let it get the surgery, now is on recovery period.

2. 「MagicPoser」&「SketchUp Viewer」have some revisions, I have to take some time to adapt it.

3. Start making new VOCALOID song.

That's all, see ya~(•ㅂ•)/

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【不平凡人】第七話 - 意料之外的訪客 (下)

【Extraordinary】Ep.7 - Unexpected Visitors (Two)

【不平凡人】第七話 - 予期しない訪問者 (下)

PART 1/3

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This is the last article of 2021.

I think it may be a year of courage, but not satisfactory for me...

In any case, keep original intention / keep improving / take good care of body, and hope that everything will be better.

Thanks everyone, see you next year~

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【不平凡人】第五話 - 總算輪到我登場了~! (Part 2)

【Extraordinary】Ep.5 - Finally it's my turn to debut~! (Part 2)

【不平凡人】第五話 - いよいよデビューの番です〜! (Part 2)

PART 1/3

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【不平凡人】第五話 - 總算輪到我登場了~! (Part 1)

【Extraordinary】Ep.5 - Finally it's my turn to debut~! (Part 1)

【不平凡人】第五話 - いよいよデビューの番です〜! (Part 1)

PART 1/3

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【不平凡人】第四話 - 后之邀宴 (Part 2)

【Extraordinary】Ep.4 - Queen of invitation (Part 2)

【不平凡人】第四話 - クイーンの招待宴会 (Part 2)

PART 1/3

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【不平凡人】第三話 - 成為非凡之路 (Part 2)

【Extraordinary】Ep.3 - Road to extraordinary(Part 2)

【不平凡人】第三話 - 並外れた道 (Part 2)

PART 3/3

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【不平凡人】第二話 - 非凡之人 (Part 2)

【Extraordinary】Ep.1 - Extraordinary person (Part 2)

【不平凡人】第二話 - 並外れた人 (Part 2)

PART 3/3

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【原創漫畫】不平凡人的平凡生活 (第一話 - 平凡的生活)

【Original comic】Extraordinary (Ep.1 - Ordinary life)

【オリジナル】不平凡人の平凡生活 (第一話 - 普通の生活)

PART 1/3

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