//=time() ?>
Me: I want beer cheese
Mom: We have beer cheese at home
Beer cheese at home:
fill it with soup fill it with soup fil it wiuth soup siall it with soup! !sil it sowup will it with fuill siw aplease IM DONE SOTYTY GUYS IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SOR
This willl repeat! I am trying to say this will repeat! O am tyring to show you all but no one will believe me. They wont ! I will make sure you believe me sooN! Will you beleivbe! Will you approve! Will you say yes!? DOnt LET ME REPEAT !!!! Jetschilchicim!
okay i am getting ready please dont let me repeat now! i am trying to tell you guys !!!! okakakay! oh jesus pieces i am going to repeat myself. dont let it all get up out in out the possible precentoecenties iaaiaia i am trying to tell you shit i repeated i retapeated repeat repe
Pucnh in punch iN! I am getting ready to set in teh gravel!!! pucnh punch ! I am getting ready to ! getting ssteadier i am getting steadeier pelase repaeat it one more time i am getting steadier i am getting steadier ai amtrying to run away it i am trying to reopeat let me repeat
I am getting r3ady to set in the grabe; l is iss it all set in the gravel let it sewt andia mi getignr eady tos set in the gravel!! !japalapo hahahaha set in the gravel set in the gravel grysusos #setinthegravel @GravelInstitute sety in the gravel ghsgsgsgsgs set in the gravel pl
Mario gravel mario is in gravel i put mario in gravel mario is in gravel push him in push him in right now pleas of please push mario in gravel make it real make it gravel mario is gravel Cleaveland Ohiai orifgnal animation 2D imagine mario is in gravel mario i sin hravrle apm m
I'm FUCKING PISSED. Why is Chris Pratt voicing MARIO!?!??!?! But I also don't think Charles Martinet should voice Mario. The best Mario voice is LOGAN THIRTYACRE!!!! GET HIM FOR THE MARIO MOVIE!!!!! #LoganThirtyacreForMarioMovie #NotMyMario #supermariobrosmovie