

-Not active-
Illustrator and animator. In love with whimsy and goofy art. - She/Her - 24 years old 🏳️‍🌈🇧🇻 Flipnote hatena veteran

フォロー数:175 フォロワー数:122

Lets be a bit edgier with a proper classic goth chic

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Mori girl! Lets go

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Tried a new portrait style. What do you think?

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Annual redraw. Make a new twist on the drawing etch year. This year I’m doing sweet lolita 🥺💜

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Got tagged by to show my favorite drawings, so here we go.

I tag and to do the same

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Drawing Spears, Baily, and Ashton is peak self indulgence for me. I love my little family

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Awkward blind date. The common strigga didn’t expect a higher vampire would be her date. It’s like dating your boss

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Took a few attempts to make the redesign look good oop. Original was made in 2017

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Gremlin having a chill

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