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Countdown to @marvelvscapcom launch: variant covers share! Next 4 by Joe Vriens, Dale Keown, Rob Porter & @Bobby_Rubio! #MCVI
Countdown to launch @marvelvscapcom variant cover share! Next 4 by Toshiaki Mori, @theCHAMBA, Jean-Bapstiste Andreae & @vostalgic! #MVCI
X-Men Blue looks awesome! Yay for heroes in costumes using codenames & fighting villains! @cullenbunn @jorge_molinam @MarkPaniccia @Marvel
Zooming from pages of #Champions to @MARVELTsumGame Japan version (going worldwide soon): Ms. Marvel & Viv Vision! @MarkWaid @humberto_ramos
Hey @jasonaaron @rdauterman @Wil_Moss, look who thundered into @AvengersAcademy: The Mighty Thor!
#Humblebrag: Yours Truly 1st proposed #Gamora by @Uncannygirl, so I'm psyched to see it arrive (especially with awesome art by @MChecC)!
On this #MemorialDayWeekend, everyone at @MarvelGames salutes the brave men and women who served and sacrificed.
Captain America vs Winter Soldier by @dveese (after @SteveEpting & Alex Schomburg) in #LEGOMarvelAvengers!
#WhereIsBlackWidow? In @LEGOMarvelGame! And soon in #BlackWidow by @MarkWaid @ChrisSamnee @COLORnMATT @JoeCaramagna
If you like @Daredevil by @netflix, you'll love #Daredevil by @CharlesSoule & @RonGarney! DD's back in NYC in Dec!