

Empty me, empty nation
Emptied us of inspiration
Bastard sons and broken daughters
All bow down to our corporate father

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:45

Fearow some other form, maybe regional? IDK 😕

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Kaliabi/Sideredigo idea first draft
Kaliabi the dark fawn pokemon
Sideredigo the Wendigo pokemon

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Pokemon Idea
Mesh - fairy - the wannabe hero pokemon. It dreams of becoming the greatest hero of heroes. Sadly, Mesh is fairly shy and afraid of counters. it needs the most patients of trainers to raise it.

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Cleaner version: Chic'A'rolla/Roc'N'quiala Rock/flying
Chic'A'rolla from the moment of its birth it will roll non-stop, ramming itself into things to polish it rocky outside until it's smooth as a marble counter. When it is fully polished it will evolve into Roc'N'quiala.

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Cleaner version: Chic'A'rolla/Roc'N'quiala Rock/flying
Chic'A'rolla from the moment of its birth it will roll non-stop, ramming itself into things to polish it rocky outside until it's smooth as a marble counter. When it is fully polished it will evolve into Roc'N'quiala.

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Watched really loved the art and show. Figure try to draw my own demon. "The name is Blu Eyes. Ironic since Eye is red." his vibe

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Mumdae - Pharadae - ? - ? - ? ideas

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