

I paint Warhammer armies and play games with them. “For those we cherish, we die in Glory!”

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So this month I’ll be combining and together. In a traditional Orky way, I’ve kicked off by breaking the ‘rules’ and adding colour. Day 1’s prompt is Crystal.

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Had my first play around with Procreate to see what I could do.

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Slow down GW, I’ve not even finished adding Mortals to my Hedonites yet! I’ll be painting Slaanesh for years at this rate, not that I’m complaining!

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The Warhammer Water Cooler Podcast is available now! Episode 1 can be downloaded here: or here: and directly on my blog here:

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Bonesplitterz sound good fun, if you like fun, why not buy mine off me 😉

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With Orruk Warclans on the horizon, it’s time to again tell everyone that I have a Bonesplitterz army for sale. All this and enough spares to rearm most of the army to your taste.

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