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Reminder: my son has some drip designs up at his @redbubble store and he'd be hyped if you bought some! Good gifts for your 13 yo cool kids
@JayIsPainting Day 4 of #artadventcalendar is a drawing I did of the Columbia river near Vantage Washington. It was my first experiment with this patterned, semi-geometric approach to drawing landscapes
@saraannhart yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh.... actually it's more a tweet about me being temporally challenged at this time in the year (we are on a fiscal year calendar for a lot of institutional things) and - for a minute - not completely realizing that "October" is only days away
#ArtAdventCalendar day 7 (evening - since I missed yesterday)
Vantage - my first foray into digital art with my iPad and Procreate.
#ArtAdventCalendar day 4.
I've really been enjoying my iPad/Procreate for creation of silhouette landscapes. It's a quick method to get my minds eye into physical form.
Here's one from the Cascade mountain range as viewed from Ellensburg WA.
My group has a great new paper on proteogenomic characterization of ovarian cancer out in a great new journal Cell Reports Medicine. Figure 6 has the visual stylings of yours truly - inspired by my cartooning work. #proteomics #cancer #proteogenomics
My normal artistic output is funny+/-satirical. But I'd like to post this piece because it gives me a sense of calm and peacefulness
#twitterarttherapy (#artists please join in and help beautify today's sad timeline..post w hashtag and RT others - h/t @JayIsPainting)
Playing around with my iPad and Pencil with some nice results. Need to work on smoother lines.