

Creator/author of unique, immersive, tabletop roleplaying games - Blue Planet, Upwind, Midnight. Teacher, scientist, socialist. He/Him

フォロー数:328 フォロワー数:848

If you have been wanting to try the new Recontact version of our Blue Planet RPG, you can play the "Trouble in Paradise" scenario with me this weekend at the 100% online GauntletCon.

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Register for Gauntlet Con 2019 and sign up to play Blue Planet: Recontact with me on Sunday, 10.27 at 11a (PST). It's all online, so it's easy to attend!

The scenario is called Trouble in Paradise, and it's a great test "dive" of the setting and the new mechanics.

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I'm running Blue Planet: Recontact for RPPR Patreon members on 9.24 at 4p PST. If you're a member - or become one - you can sign up through RPPR's Discord server. First-come-first served, and I'd love to have you in the game...

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As of the 9.8, the Blue Planet: Recontact primer has been downloaded from DriveThru RPG 985 times.

Who'd a thunk...

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I'm running some Blue Planet for Gauntlet Con 2019 - a great online gaming convention, October 24-27. Event registration will start soon, so if you want in on some cool Poseidon action, keep a weather eye on their site.

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I planted some bulb-things and they grew into some flower-things! Feels like magic!

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Even though it's PWYW, the Blue Planet: Recontact quick-start-guide is a "best-seller" on DriveThu RPG! Check it out and give the new rules a test-"dive" with the included adventure, characters and Red Sky Charters campaign archetype.

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Any gaming press or podcasting friends gonna be at GenCon and want to chat about Blue Planet's new 3rd edition? I have some time in my schedule that's all yours! The 70 page free primer PDF will be available by the show, and we'd love to splash it everywhere we can!

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Going to be at GenCon 2019? Join me at RPPR's Game Designer Workshop Live (Thur @ 11a, Crowne Plaza, Haymarket A). We'll be discussing our latest projects (like Blue Planet: Recontact) and answering questions from the audience. Always fun, funny and interesting, so come join in.

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Two Blue Planet: Recontact demo announcements...

1. Our events filled up, so I just added another Blue Planet session for the 02 slot on Sunday.

2. If you are a Patron of RPPR, I am running an online demo Wednesday 7.3 at 4p PST. Sign up through their Discord!

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