

Holders of any OG Bishōs-reimg will get your
fave pfp NFT buffed!!……

フォロー数:151 フォロワー数:194

Is anybody ready to puke forth?

No one could make us do it but the one and only !! we ready to take on the world.

then puketh we shall!!

Holo king
"no guts, no story"

3 17

Looks like a hero on the move to me.
its my fam Lennyy !!!
lit heads gonna be lit 💪🔥🔥

"no guts, no story"

3 13

Anybody wanna see some Azuki??

i guess if Cashie see some weapon on the nft, it goes automatically on a battle mode 🤔
Heeey lookin good buddy!

"no guts, no story"

6 16

Airdrop has been deployed!
ayo its my fam !!

what if 🤡 ,bishos is ticked to be a animated series and characters are the OGs and airdrops.
waait?!. is this guy a villain or nah

"no guts, no story"

6 30

Airdrop has been deployed!
Heeyy does anybody wants some Icecream?? :)
Supriyo had his best duo balloon and icecream get buffed! what a solid duo :)

Ice Cream
"no guts, no story"

4 17

Airdrop has been deployed!
looks like this guy could play catch of spear with meliodas like frisbee at the park!
keep it up buddy :))

"no guts, no story"

4 17

HEEYY ITS MEE woaahh! i guess someone in 17hrs gotta have a surprise!
its the sharp jaws that did it!, its the sharp jaws right guys hmm right guys hmmmm ?. anyone?

2 8

okay guys! our first holders deriv airdop has been set to show it down! holders get buffed automatically, just look how shiny our brother is!! lookin good mate!

"no guts, no story" airdrop theme

6 54


Heyy! just havin one of this 10 genesis means
"you are there first before everyone does!
being a holder means everything to Cashie .

so here's what our holders look like! try and guess XD
GROUP PHOTO! XD i'm the cameraman

5 43

Still 7hrs left for this beauty to be finally arrive home :)

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