

Analytical and chaotic.

Fan of de movies

Fan of the mangoes and the animus

I like them superhero tights

Music nerd with the second best teeth in the game

フォロー数:667 フォロワー数:540

And of course, with the voices in his head, it offers him a final price. His family's death wasn't the trigger that started him on the path of bloodshed, it was the final lock that had to be turned. Ennis' conclusion with Frank is that he wanted his family out of the picture.

1 15

Tubi now has Babylon 5.

Now nobody has an excuse not to watch this awesome show.

33 87

The Garth Ennis run of Hellblazer was something else. Dangerous Habits is a turning point for the character, and from the run with Will Simpson was solid but it wasn't until Steve Dillon became the regular artist that the magic really came forth. Simply sublime

1 5

Also if I had a nickel for every time I have seen an homage to a piece of the Garden of Earthly Delights in sequential storytelling, I would have two nickels...yadda yadda the two nickels comment

1 6

When getting into these post Shade issues, I was hoping at least that Milligan would still bring the same amount of demented imagination that he brought forth over the course of this great series...he's not disappointed thus far, fucking hell!

1 3

Before and after you find chicken nuggies in the fridge

5 10

Hour into this...

how the fuck is one Gamera movie bodying several godzilla movies at once?!

1 3

Rickert growing into a man

Like it was really clear with the slap that Rickert was breaking away from the past permanently and of course he was going with the Kushan warriors, so what would have happened there?

Who knows at this point

1 10

I'll say this about anime with that comment

can you off the top of your head say the director of FMA 2003 or Brotherhood, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, Mushishi, hell with Serial Experiments Lain more people focus on the writer than the director.

1 6

yeah episode 6 is probably the third best episode, behind 9 and 10...which actually doesn't mean a whole lot, but at least episode 6 when adapting Brain Scratch didn't just copy and paste it or make a worse version. The original is still way fucking better, but it's at least not

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