A 16th century Swedish homestead, illustrated by Per-Anders Nilsson.
Excerpts from a short children's book called "Hitta Historien" which shows the same site evolving in a beautiful way where every era leaving traces behind them for the next to discover.
Instructions for open fighting positions from finnish and swedish soldier manuals.
Soldiers parade uniform, officer uniform and Gallen Kallela in his M19 uniform he designed.
Uniforms for the Royal Finnish Army designed by Gallen Kallela. They were never used since Prince Frederick Charles of Hessen who was elected to be king abdicated before ever visiting Finland.
Megafauna for sure but I also want the tiny toed horse back. https://t.co/49YWl2FE1Q
Different depictions of Edward the booble from moomin. One of Moominvalleys many megafauna.
It will always be funny to me that one of Finland-Swedens most heroic characters is a grug brained giant that misstook the order to retreat and bayonet charged the enemy alone instead, thus saving the swedish army.
A dumb dumb with a big heart, we should all emulate Sven Dufva.
Before there were Netflix and Ipads there was grandparents and multi generational living.