

24 | Pro Doodler | Goblin | Weeb

フォロー数:70 フォロワー数:9

What can I say? I love a white haired cocky motherfucker 🤷🏻 https://t.co/Lt13Zs2mwV

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This one for sure. I know he’s not much but he’s a big mile stone for me in terms of getting comfortable with stylization and breaking art rules the right way

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Not my most recent but the ones I enjoy the most

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Hi there 👋🏻 I’m a very small artist looking to do some commissions! I just lost both of my jobs today and need to put money into savings for my bills til I can find a new job. Here’s a little bit of my work

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Thank you! there is more on my IG @ black_hound_studio email: blackhoundart.com

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I don’t have pictures of actual pets on my phone but I have some drawings of pets!

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