

🇫🇷 French | 💗💛💙 Bi / Pan - Accountant by day. Fanartist and adult game artist (@HLemonStudios) by night. (she/they)

フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:331

- Just felt like drawing a mini series in this comics about anime stereotypes :p It's a topic that's been bothering me for some time and I thought it could be fun to talk about it here :)

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Here's a fanart I did a while ago :) I've been having fun playing it's a beautiful game ^^

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- Of course this kind of things never happen when I'm working from home, it HAS to be on a day I've been everywhere x)

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- So I've been preparing to move which means I don't have time for a proper comic ! I should be back in 2 weeks with a new LLC comic :)

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- The kind of stuff that sometimes happens at my day job...

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- I suck at being patient and learning stuff the right way... And I don't even admit it afterwards ^^'

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- Here's a method for lazy people :p

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- A little story my sister told me about her ^^

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