

My name is Antony and I live in a small town in the UK. I’m a new streamer just starting out on Twitch and uploading videos to YouTube.…

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Managed to get the hologram desk done just gotta get the screen done now. The old one is on the left and new on the right. Hope you guys like looking for some feed back.

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Still very much WIP but getting they're, been so busy with the kids being off school for six weeks haven't had time to do much. Anyway getting the kitchen done on the ship.

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So I haven't uploaded in a month but been busy with kids and everything else. But I have completely changed my idea for the science lab but gives it a much more industrial space ship look. A lot better than my last attempt.

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Just a quick update made changes to the side rooms new floors, Walls and ceilings still a WIP but getting their. I am happy with the floor but walls need a major improvement both in the model and also the textures.

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Final Got these objects complete now can finally move on to other models, Managed to finish the decals and also the materials. Now gonna start work on the science lab and make it look like a sterilised environment.

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Redone all the floor panels and also all the wall panels I know the work is really slow but I am still learning a lot, Just been enjoying testing my skills in Blender and also Substance Painter. Keep On updating my Work as I learn.

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Took two weeks off since the kids had a holiday from school enjoyed the time away but need to start on the work again. Managed to finish off the Vent and pipe system redoing a lot of it and also done a Support system.

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So Been working within substance painter and managed to make some new assets and also retextures a lot of the corridor pieces. Wall panels, roof Panels, Access Panels and also Floor Panels all redone within Substance Painter.

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Final, Final Got some decent work done had to learn how to optimize the game properly also how to use substance painter, Managed to increase the frame rate from 24 FPS to 60FPS on the dot without dipping.

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Only been using Substance Painter for about 3 days but managed to improved the look a lot. A little bit of improvement needed but will be finished soon.

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