

illustrator desperately seeking mysterious benefactor

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:85

This morning, instead of mowing the lawn, I randomly doodled a giant cowboy chasing a stolen atomic sheep.....really gotta go mow that lawn tho'...

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ROLL UP, ROLL UP, discount at ye old blacksoup store - use coupon code INYOURFACE!10 to get 10% discount on all products available today and tomorrow only.

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Prolific twitterer that I's a doodle I done... ooomph...

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Been a while, I'm alive just - here's a new robot pic...KOP THAT!

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This fella needs a haircut according to my mom
Twitter frenzy continues, don't worry it won't last

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Big fight goin' on but no dinner lady to break it up! Hurry up, only 25 left or thereabouts!

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New print 'Scouse for Tea'...would look good on your wall in a nice frame?!

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Ahh well here's a doodle of an idea that's lay dormant in my empty head for a long time...until nowwwww...drum roll..

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