

Anime Hoarder | Also at

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Saw this comic on reddit and I've been quietly chuckling to myself on and off for an hour.

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Thanks to the wayback machine capturing my Anime-Planet profile less than 24 hours after I created it I know exactly what my first 4 were. On October 13th 2007 I had finished and And I was currently watching and

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Close run thing between Demon Hunter Makaryuudo and The Irresponsible Galaxy Tylor.

One is just a bad boring horror OVA that even at 30 mins was way too long and the other is an insult of epic proportions.

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Do you have some that you are desperate to watch but sadly aren't available in English, not even fansubbed? Here are 4 such Anime that I hope I get to see in English one day.

Muka Muka Paradise, Oyo Neko Bunyan, Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai, Midoriyama Koukou Koushien

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Yomigaeru Sora -Rescue Wings- is a 2006 series about a helicopter rescue pilot. It's a great drama with some real tension. It's mostly episodic and not every mission is a success. Highly rcommend this show, currently only available fansubbed. Would love to own this one day

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No interest in this series but WOW! What a cover that is!

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Some of the amazing I've watched over the last week and abit. Highly recommend them all.

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Pre-Ordered Part One from Anime Limited. Can't believe I'm buying a TV in 4K 👀

Box is a little plain, shame they didn't use the amazing BD Box design Japan got.

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Discotek Panel was awesome. Can't wait to get the complete 1980 Astro Boy series on Blu. I feel this amazing announcement got overshadowed abit by dropping first.

And yet more delicious Vault finds to get hyped for as well! A very satisfying Discotek Day indeed.

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