Blake Quarterlyさんのプロフィール画像

Blake Quarterlyさんのイラストまとめ

The lighter side of a journal for William Blake studies and its managing editor, Sarah Jones
Image: Little Tom the Sailor. Collection of Robert N. Essick

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:980

I can't remember the last time we published an article on The French Revolution, so we have a treat for our autumn issue: Matthew Davis on "The House of Aumont and Blake's French Revolution."

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Our autumn 2016 issue becomes open access today.
Serendipitously, it includes some pieces of relevance to our upcoming issue ...

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Don't forget to check out 's article on scholarly diagrams of "The Mental Traveller" while it's still open access.
Image: Not a diagram of "The Mental Traveller," but it does make an appearance in the article!

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The latest publication is an exhibition, William Blake's Biblical Illustrations. Contributions by , Jennifer Davis Michael, , , Sheila Spector, and .
Image: Death of St. Joseph

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Working on a fantastic article by Joe Viscomi for our whole issue fall 2019 a why, where, and whodunit of posthumous printing of Blake's illuminated books, examining the biographical and bibliographical evidence. Image Songs copy h from Essick collection.

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The cows are coming home to roost! Read Keri Davies
and Chuck Ripley
in our new spring issue while it's still open access.

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A very Blakean dog for the The horse doesn't look convinced.

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will also contain a review of Leo Damrosch, Eternity's Sunrise, published by .

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For the cover I previously had in mind Isaac Cruikshank's The Lending Library (also ), but I couldn't quite convince myself.

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The Hymn of Christ and the Apostles, one of the works in "Blake in the Marketplace, 2016" in our spring (late April) issue

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