

17 she/her | Maria | CEO of Bikini Babes and Blank Eyed Girls | Runs @Attwtstrugs | Admin of @SpaghettiServer + @ATPrideFlags | priv: @ADHDeezNuts

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:678

idk why but I just like this shot

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either ice king trained his penguins to drink his tears or they just started doing that and he was like nah its cool

0 7

tree trunks in this cute little baret >>>>

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no cuz this was honestly so funny

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I fully believe there is a reality where finn stuck his thumb into the angry mushroom from "mama said" and that's how he lost his arm.

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can we just take a moment to appreciate how fucking cool the lich was. I mean literally everything about him is chilling; from his design to his voice to his massive power, there wasn't a moment he was on screen that didn't give me goosebumps

0 12

adventure time has the absolute best dream scenes

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to the dumb fucks that ship fubblegum, I advise you to look at these finn and ice king screenshots next to each other. the parallels here really exemplify what's wrong with the ship imo, and how obsessive finn acted to PB during that point in the show

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