

17 she/her | Maria | CEO of Bikini Babes and Blank Eyed Girls | Runs @Attwtstrugs | Admin of @SpaghettiServer + @ATPrideFlags | priv: @ADHDeezNuts

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:678

I love how adventure time will just end an episode with this

295 1546

wild berry kingdom is so pretty god damn

0 6

finn and jake taking a little afternoon nap is just one of the most wholesome things I’ve ever seen

3 36

I love the AT among us saga

18 142

I wanna see spirit waves live

1 28

I love how jake just turns into random shapes when he’s bored

1 10

I love this one guy who was just really into hydration

0 4

I wish we got more of this kingdom it was so fucking cool

0 10

not the pup gang crashing PB’s party

0 1

PB was such a good friend she literally let finn beat her up just so he could process his emotions

15 64