

🔞| 29 | draws chubby girls in purple rooms | at war with several bunny accounts | comms + trades: CLOSED | Cat acct: @blastycats

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:13537

comm for my buddy , it's chapter art for his story Bloated In The Wild - read the teaser here:

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you know why.

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tagged me to do post my 4 fave female characters

sooooooo here goes

they're skinny in the pictures, but it goes without saying they'd ideally all be at least 3-4 feet wide

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jessica is a mega cutie, so i had to make her mega chonky

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maybe if fizz was actually doing something ahri would be taking this match seriously

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have a super old paya i did the day after breath of the wild came out. I've been playing it again with the linkle mod so this picture's been on my mind lol

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i have an oc named chai 😋💖 cutest name!

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late to this meme but roast me anyway

it says leave a blank but honestly you can find it if you want it

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