

🔞| 29 | draws chubby girls in purple rooms | at war with several bunny accounts | comms + trades: CLOSED | Cat acct: @blastycats

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:13659

Sayori my beloved.......

231 1192

graciously allowed me to post this picture they drew and I coloured!

best government program ever.... but how am i supposed to pay for all the mountain dew she goes through?

36 184

two asses lost to time for

77 447

unlimited smugness

2 27

prosthetics aren't cheap, but i guess i can't argue with the rationale...

200 1034

tfw your cute, caring gamer gf astral projects in her sleep again and her sleep paralysis demon alter form eats all the cookies she baked you before terrorizing her son

244 959

scene: i am walking into sayori's room holding BLÅHAJ soft toy, shark, 100cm from IKEA

sayori: oh my gosh, is that BLÅHAJ soft toy, shark, 100cm from IKEA?? it's so cute!

me: yes it is, sayori, i bought it for you

sayori: oh, thank you! he's so big and snuggly, i love him!

10 75

chonky baby 🥰

you could've seen this two weeks ago at a certain place that the algorithm will hate me for mentioning, just fyi 😋

3 92

Before enrolling in the prestigious Fulsome Academy, Bea was actually quite an active girl with a background in track and cheerleading. She was a perfect fit for the college!

Not that it had anything to do with that - her parents are just obscenely rich.

261 1310