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Why not really lean into that 80's theme, DC Comics? This would have been on-brand for the #WonderWoman1984, still been empowering, respected your legacy hero, and drawn in more fans for your movie-tie-in one shot comic (which typically don't sell very well in the first place). https://t.co/TsZfoT9Joh
The DC editor who destroyed Vertigo loves that “mom jeans” WW variant cover. Since we have his attention, maybe Andy can tell us why none of these 80’s style covers were chosen? https://t.co/CWkmBRkAIw
@polodarkwater @Mobin911 @type9snines @DiversityAndCmx @DynamiteComics Read your 1st response wrong.
We love Gomez's work on Red Sonja. On Sheena, Moritat's being replaced by Maria Laura Sanapo (@MLSanapo). We've been impressed with her work also. @MoritatArt leaves some pretty big shoes to fill, but Sanapo's a fine replacement for @DynamiteComics