Late 🇧🇷 /Commissions CLOSEDさんのプロフィール画像

Late 🇧🇷 /Commissions CLOSEDさんのイラストまとめ

Late, 30, Brazil

I draw sometimes, so I'll be linking them here.
Likes might be 🔞, be aware.

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:36

Today is day 29 and with it comes yesterday's show as well! I decided to do a weird crossover due the fact I was too tired to draw yesterday.
Did you know that Fillmore and Seiya are of similar ages? Seiya is 13 while Fillmore is 12!

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Today is day 27! I remember Shinzo vaguely but I really liked the anime back in Fox Kids. I also remember getting confused when the second season started that had a very, very similar first episode but instead of a heartfelt ep, the protag was hit by a bazuca.

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5 days until the end of march and today we have Yoh from Shaman King! I loved SK as a kid-preteen, especially due the BR openings.

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Today is day 24 and the nostalgia is Kaleido Star!
I remember that it caught my attention for being an anime whose background was a circus, it was so different to me back then!

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Today is day 22, only more 9 days of nostalgia left!
Today's nostalgia is Hamtaro! I remember being in 3-4 grade and trying to draw him the best as I could. He is too cute, guys.

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Today is day 21, 3 weeks of challenge! Picapau (Woodpecker) make his appearance! He mad that I was wasting my time on other things instead of working on him. Sorry I couldn't do better today, bud.

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Day 20 is Doug! Banana on pizza sauce is bad, don't do it kids. And no, I didn't try it; Common sense, guys.

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Today is day 17 and it's Cow and Chicken's turn! That show tricked me into eating pork butt as a kid, not as tasty as they made it sound.

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