

| Myrrah Shepard | Ex-SAS | Mercenary | Callsign: Templar #CODRP #TESRP #MVRP #FalloutRP
(RP acc)

フォロー数:650 フォロワー数:629

> Upon traversing further into the abandoned area there was a rundown church that had a few outlying cabins surrounding it. But the layout didn't end there...

"Well shite, guess the targets already making friends without me eh?"

The Brit remarked out loud to herself as she>

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A Night To Remember

Coming in through a stealthed out chopper Templar was being dropped in with about as little Intel as possible from Shadow Company. Not her first time going in blind after a high alert target. Checking her rounds before touching down the gun for hire>

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//Just want to give a friendly reminder to everyone I do have alternate versions of my oc for every verse. It's all on my pinned for multiverse purposes. This psa has been concluded, back to interacting with you lovely people 🤙🏼 have some Templar with a shearling jacket.

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//I'm calling you out bro 🤣

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More Details...

ΩCOD verse Templar works contracts as a Merc for Shadow Company.

ΩMarvel verse Templar worked with Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow briefly before taking the last of the lost widows from the red room and giving them a new home, her own mercenary outfit.


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Myrrah Shepard ГTemplarГ


ГAlly of Winslow Accord unit

ГAlly to Black Ops team

ГCallsign: Templar


ГShips w/chem

ГCrossovers & OCs welcome

ГDescriptive & lit.

Г"Heart of a soldier, will of a templar."

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"Whatever happens, happens yea?"

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"Sometimes one bad day is all it takes to push someone over the edge."

The Irish merc stated with a dogged sigh drawing her sidearm.

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By an old cabin, middle of the woods, or tucked away in a desert it never mattered where the mercenary took up rest in between contracts. Long as she acquired the rest all else was secondary.

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