

He/Him, Twitch Affiliate, 19 y/o

PFP by @KaguyaKalon

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:677

17. Green Goblin

It's about this point where my voice starts completely deteriorating from doing so many voices LOL

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1. Probably my trademark impression, the tried and true Goofy

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JUST FINISHED: Resident Evil 4

With my first RE game being 8, it was really awesome going back and seeing all the comparisons made firsthand! I probably still prefer 8 (hard to top since it was my GOTY last year), but this was pretty much more of the same that made that game-

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"Oh come on Fadel, I would expect more from the Ultimate Twitch Streamer!"

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Obligatory Self-Indulgent Birthday Art go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BIG 17 LETS GOOOOOOOO

(Also ig this is the first look at my internetsona even though it's still kinda a work in-progress LOL)

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-been to continue practicing art ever, whether as a nice surprise for someone else, or even just a self-indulgent project for myself.

And I'm ngl, I got some big plans for June 👀. A massive thank you to those who have supported my art thus far, I hope I can make you proud 🙏

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