

Support me on Ko-fi! // Environment Artist & Painter // Runs @TwitchCharlotte // She/Her // [email protected]

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I know these feels too well, here's to hoping it gets better and we kick seasonal depression's butt.

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Latest Work!
Hoping it gets accepted into an exhibition over the next month. I'll find out at the end of November 🤞

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I am so happy that you are on your way to a Barbie Jungle Dream House!

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Me, at 2pm: Oh, I'm kind of sleepy, I think I'll lie down and take a nap, certainly a short one won't mess up my sleep schedule.

Me, at 2am:

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Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie. Here’s mine - constantly angry at the world 😡

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Post a picture of your pet and then what your pet is named after

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If there's one thing that is going to help artists out with, it's introducing the idea of doing simple sketching everyday. Just some light drawing every week has dramatically improved my art.

These pieces show a difference of 2 years of drawing, what awesome progress!

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I fell off the wagon doing art everyday when I left to go see my family, but I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DRAW DIGITALLY. I hope that makes up for it.

I had to watch several youtube digital artists before I could even draw something remotely similar to what I do on paper.

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I've been swamped with studies, so I'm not entirely sure what's happening in the art world. However, I don't see the harm in changing how I tag my doodles, so here's my piece for Day 2.

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Rest In Peace, RBG. You have always, and will continue to be an inspiration to me.

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