

collector - Punk and BAYC - banner @michelepetrelli gallery: - gallery music by @ZironiVioletta http://

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# nft bayc

My story: I was sailing out with my viking friends from . When I returned home I found a few more whales Spouting whale in our harbour. They joined the family as they liked the cool community as much as me :-)

31 109

Nothing to regret is the future generation paying the pensions :-)

1 8

here I am following you, even if your skin is not as blue as mine :-)

0 2

GM! How many of your friends can explain what an is? An answer could be:
It is an original piece of art you can still buy today which you will see in a few years in museums and exhibitions. Here „Iris on the phone“ from

13 91

GM! On this magic day 02 02 2022

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