

Cartoonist, Digimon Fanatic, He/Him, 33

フォロー数:1396 フォロワー数:1046

A crossover commish involving Wanda and Lekismon joining Olegmon's crew.

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Recently completed Digimon for an ongoing commission for The Shoutmon X4 style forms were my favorite to come up with in particular.

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A particularly fun commission involving some of the Animaniacs and an OC of mine based on the Animaniacs reboot.

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Some more MegaMan Battle Network Double Souls I completed for a recent commission.

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An IDW Beast Wars themed commish where Terrorsaur isn't having the best sleep lately...

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Double Soul MegaMan commissions I recently completed. Quake Soul in particular is a favorite. So many drills...

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Digimon’s funny like that because of 🍖 grown like plants in farms in the games, and more bizarre food stuff like meat flavored cabbage, snack foods that grow on trees, and my personal favorite: Food Type Digimon one of which is Burgermon who makes burgers out of thin air.

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It’s worth mentioning there’s a KingSukamon and a KingNumemon, so Digimon is definitely the king in that regard.

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Recent commish featuring the commissioner's OC Masato and BlackAgumon.

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