Blue - The Queenさんのプロフィール画像

Blue - The Queenさんのイラストまとめ

NFT's and AI are Scum - 24/NB (They/She) Artist/Would-Be Character Designer - I usually post characters from my comic, toku stuff or fighting games.

フォロー数:198 フォロワー数:27

Some of you may remember this outfit from another character I drew a while back :eyes:, decided to throw it on Alex and see how I like it, plus let me design the pants and shoes given the situation with the actual character who wears this.

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Finished another design for the Sheet, on the advice of I drew it from another angle to see how I liked it, and honestly really digging this. PLUS it let me draw Alex shooting fire for once which is pretty pog.

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Did this outfit for shits and giggles while on no sleep brain.

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Bonk, and here we are at the end, honestly i'm surprised I had more issues with Xigbar then Xemnas but eh, what you gonna do, anyways all I have left is LW for the gold crown, will post when thats done I guess.

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Here we are, I will ofc update when I beat Xemnas to see where he stands (I imagine he'll be in hard). To explain a bit I guess, Larxene by far gave me the most trouble, I am aware the likes of Reflect and Fire destory her but as a non-speedruner/non skilled she was hell. Cont-

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aight I colord and shit, this bitch still cute, might do more on this project, we'll see.

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Aight think I can say i'm happy with this, glad I took the time to actually color and shit.

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The more I thought about it the more I realized that it's not the lack of good character storys in VI, but Celes being so bad it makes everything worse just by being in the same universe as it. Fuck you Celes.

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