

25 | Tumblr: Bluebearial

フォロー数:503 フォロワー数:764

I just had to doodle this real quick

1 15


Every time I draw lupa her colors change a bit but I wanna try and keep these!!!

1 19

Before pride month end.......... I wana post this

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My half of an art trade with !!

1 17

late night lupa doodle

and maybe......... perspective pwactice

1 12

It's gettin hot

2 16

funny trend funny twend
Don't have anything older than 2015 so zzz

1 15

8ft tall plush stands in your doorway wyd

god i havent drawn this oc in like almost a year dhfsh

5 38

dam i'm late!!! got no one to really tag but uhhhhhhhhhh

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