


フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:370

— him an enchanting smile, delighting in his presence. After all, he would always hold a special place in her heart.

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The sentinel seemed to hang back from the boys as Thor lead them to an extravagant feast in his honor. Thus, it was no surprise to her as a gaggle of whores threw themselves at the God of Thunder. Celestial blue eyes narrowed upon the sight, a look of disgust involuntarily —

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Sif is spectating all the fights going on in the Omniverse using her All-Sight.

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— therefore, thou will always be tethered by the heart to him. Thou will always want to see him be better. Do not give up, my Lord, it will take time, but hopefully, he sees all thou hath done for him.”

She placed a hand upon his upper arm as a comforting gesture.

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The sentinel greeted Thor upon his arrival back to Asgard. A hint of a smile displayed on her normally stern visage as she laid eyes upon the deity.

“Thou doth flatter me, my Lord.”

She spoke, before listening to his words. Sif understood that no matter how wicked and vile —

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“I hath seen times of great peril and chaos ahead.”

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Using the All Sight, the sentinel was able to locate what remained of Mjolnir.

“Mjolnir lies in a lab located in Latveria, my King.”

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