

Genshin Impact player/Waiting for Klee/Wasted my pity while trying to get Diona

フォロー数:274 フォロワー数:98

Congrats on for winning this giveaway!

Thank you for joining this giveaway and here is your prize!

(I accidently drew an half body and forgot to add an thumb but I hope you like it!)

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Flat Colored Chibi Headshot Giveaway!

All you have to do is...
-Comment down your oc

Ends: 5pm EST or earlier

Also please read the rules!

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A mini sketch I've done yesterday

It actually looks OK 👁️👄👁️

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Good luck to you next time! <3

here is a cute lil animal

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Not worry! Good luck to you next time! Hopefully you will win! <3

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Post a picture of your oc and 3 inspirations

Yes, I also love tokyo ghoul

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:O will this be a cute love story

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