

Trying to paint anime girls

Quick Paint Commissions (

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:226

I'm a little late for the debut celebration ;w; but congrats on debuting Moofie!!! You had a lot of cool art so I was inspired (*¯︶¯*)

5 113

Happy early holidays our tenshi! I drew a small version for maximum cuteness („• ֊ •„)

5 42

I'M LAAAAATE! Congrats on your debut Meruru! excited to was in the future ... o(≧▽≦)o

10 53

but please do talk to someone if your are comfortable enough, to make yourself feel better ;w;.

6 35

World domination!... but also waiting for your debut
( ◡‿◡ *)

5 66


8 60

ぼく わ あまり にほんご が はなせません、 でも配信楽しみです!!! (≧◡≦)

9 40

Your streams are calm and peaceful, thank you~ (*/ω\)

1 3

初配信お疲れ様です!!!! かわいい( 〃▽〃)

0 16

優しいうむのための優しいイラスト 💚 (ごめんなさい 日本語がわからない)

0 11