

✩ the space seal knight for @marisyrina
✩ vtuber exclusively on
✩ L2D mama @arkybee & papa @deerlicate
✩ i:@_yukiflake b:@udonoharu

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:968

its cold as fuck in shiva so we gotta be prepared

1 31


I know streams have been very few and far between lately due to a lot of the things going on in the world, but I'm happy to announce a new emote has been made/uploaded!

Announcing, boxhobColonD! (quite a mouth full)

Thank you so much for this amazing emote !

2 24

In celebration of my mental state being slaughtered by OneShot,

thanks , for both this and the crippling emotional trauma.


21 130

she totally loves me

1 28

Okay, (hopefully) my last post with this stuff.

Here's my favorites that I've taken of Sin Eater Ira with a bit of tuning now.

Thanks for dealing with me gushing over him | w o);;

5 62

"Prove to me a reason why I should call you a 'hero.' "

(yes i'm still on this sineater bs)

10 84