Great Artさんのプロフィール画像

Great Artさんのイラストまとめ

Great art that moves me & some of my own artwork - follow me on @RobertBohan for all my own work Buy here:

フォロー数:84223 フォロワー数:97593

Egon Schiele | order with an underlying sense of fragility

19 49

JW Waterhouse | His drawings are ravishing and timeless

37 89

Gwen John | Her quiet introspective portraits are always beguiling

13 42

El Greco | His portraits are rare but exquisite

27 52

Gaugin | The artist's palette is immediately recognisable

18 52

Modigliani | The more of his work I see the more I like it

30 43

George Bellows | Beautiful understanding of light & the colour of snow

23 28

Rembrandt | The beauty of the master is his ability to tell a story that is universal

23 44

Fantin-Latour | there's something wonderfully precise & old fashioned about his work

7 18