Dammit Vennesa, how many times have we told you, QUIT EATING THE MONTYS MYSTERY MIX. Gotta fumigate the Pizza Plex AGAIN.
All jokes aside, this was another request done and done. Got just 1 more to shade, 2 more plus that to post. Then repeat 🤙🏻
Mnt Lady ripping a MEAN ass fart on Midnight. Count this as another request done ! Still got at least 2 I can post. Working on another one, then it's back to starting the sketches for some others.
Mitsuru from Persona 5 request complete ! This one was fun since the characters hot af. Anyways. Hope yall enjoy as much as the requester does ! More coming here soon🤫
Natsuki from DDLC letting one go for MC. Man, I did NOT expect her to win that poll I made lol. But hey, I'm glad she did honestly. I needed to draw my favorite Doki. Hope yall enjoy!