Apollonia Series · Fleur 🦾🌸さんのプロフィール画像

Apollonia Series · Fleur 🦾🌸さんのイラストまとめ

Damaged combat android blossoming into her own · PST insomniac streamer · {she/her} ㉄ momdad @miaamarevt · fanart #fleurdarte 🔞 #fleuraunoir

フォロー数:497 フォロワー数:512
# picrew

[Hmm... I'm not sure how a coincidental in-person performance by some unidentifiable <Mysterious Idol X> after a Nyaru show would pose much danger to immersion]

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[Oh Kabru's party is such a mess...
I will adopt all the kobolds, Kuro especially
(this image should also just be beastman design required reading)]

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[I had the opportunity to participate in classical theatre today---Fleur, take a breath---but I really enjoyed being able to decorate my hair with flowers and colorful ties it looks so nice and I don't want to take them out whyyy]

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[(I think I made a perfect impression)]

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