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If you're looking for fun things to keep children entertained, don’t forget to check out the BookTrust Cymru HomeTime Cupboard! It's packed full of treats, including draw alongs and stories in English and Welsh, it's just waiting for you:
Os ydych chi’n edrych am bethau sy’n hwyl i ddifyrru plant, peidiwch ag anghofio mynd i Gwpwrdd AmserGartref BookTrust Cymru! Mae’n llawn dop o drêts, gan gynnwys tynnu lluniau ar y cyd a straeon yn Gymraeg a Saesneg; mae’n aros amdanoch chi: https://t.co/PZ8e7KJX9u
Does dim ffordd gywir neu anghywir i rannu llyfr – y peth pwysicaf yw dy fod ti a’r un bach yn cael hwyl!
There’s no right or wrong way to share a book – the most important thing is that you and your little ones have fun! #LlyfrauYnUno #UnitedByBooks
@edubeginsathome @EarlyWales
I bawb ohonoch chi sy’n derbyn eich bagiau Dechrau Da, mae gennon ni recordiadau o bob un o lyfrau Cymraeg Dechrau Da ichi eu rhannu yma:
@WelshLibraries @angleseycouncil @DenbsLibs @LlyfrGwyneddLib @PowysFp @TorfaenLibrary
For all of you who are receiving your Bookstart bags, we have all the Bookstart books Welsh audio for you to share here:
@Cymraegforkids @FlyingStartTorf @TorfaenLibrary @DenbsLibs @LlyfrGwyneddLib @angleseycouncil
Mae rhigymwyr da’n ddarllenwyr da! Rhannwch rigwm heddiw. https://t.co/h3dlnT6o2X
Great rhymers make great readers! Share a Bookstart rhyme today. https://t.co/h3dlnT6o2X
#DechrauDa #Bookstart
@WelshLibraries @Cymraegforkids @MudiadMeithrin
Un o’r pethau rydyn ni’n eu hoffi am rigymau yw eich bod chi’n gallu newid y geiriau a chael sbort! Ydych chi’n newid y geiriau i wneud rhigymau’n fwy o hwyl?
@GwEGogleddCymru @WelshLibraries @Cymraegforkids
Our BookTrust Cymru HomeTime Cupboard is filling up! We have everything from the amazing Elen's Island being read by Eloise Williams, a wonderful video from Bookstart Denbighshire, the Letterflies game and so much more!! Check it out here: https://t.co/PZ8e7KJX9u
ae ein Cwpwrdd Amser Gartref BookTrust Cymru’n llenwi’n gyflym! Mae popeth ynddo o’r rhagorol Elen's island ac Eloise Williams yn darllen, fideo gwych gan Dechrau Da Sir Ddinbych, a’r gêm Letterflies!! Hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Dewch i gael cip yma: https://t.co/PZ8e7KsmhW
Its never too early to start rhyming! From rhyming to your bump or new baby, to dancing around with your toddler! We have lots of rhymes for you to share here: https://t.co/8MxgHdMK26
@WelshLibraries @CSC_Literacy
@Cymraegforkids @MudiadMeithrin