BookTrust Cymruさんのプロフィール画像

BookTrust Cymruさんのイラストまとめ

BookTrust Cymru works to inspire a love of reading in children.

Mae BookTrust Cymru’n gweithio er mwyn ysbrydoli cariad at ddarllen ymysg plant.

フォロー数:1881 フォロワー数:3280

Sut y mae’r Gryffalo, Plentyn y Gryffalo, Brigddyn a Sogi wedi newid eu bywydau wrth fyw a dysgu adref? Ewch i ddarganfod gyda’r llyfr rhad ac am ddim hwn gan Julia Donaldson a Axel Scheffler. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg ar gael yma:

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How have the Gruffalo, the Gruffalos Child, Zog and Stick Man adjusted to social distancing, isolation and home schooling? Find out in this new e-book from Julia Donaldson and Axcel Scheffler. Click here for your free download of the Welsh adaptation:

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"Gweithgareddau hwyl!

Mae Helen Docherty, awdur llyfrau arbennig fel The Snatchabook a The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight, wedi paratoi gweithgareddau arbennig. Cyfle i greu masg arwr llygoden neu ddarganfod sut i dynnu llun y Snatchabook a mwy.

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"Fun Activities!

Helen Docherty, the author of books including The Snatchabook and The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight, has some fab free activities for you. Make a mouse hero mask or find out how to draw The Snatchabook! And much more.

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Yn gorfod aros i mewn ac eisiau rhywbeth i’w wneud? Yna gwelwch ein dalenni Gweithgareddau Dechrau Da! Mae yna lawer o opsiynau, o liwio pengwin i wneud penwisg tylluan

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Stuck inside and want something to do? Check out our Bookstart Activity sheets! There's a lot of options, from colouring in a penguin to making a owl headband

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We're going to make this week AWESOME! Remember to keep checking for heaps of fun stuff in Welsh and English for your family.
You'll find a handy round-up of activities & events with Welsh authors and illustrators here:

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Beth am bwyllo am funud a gwrando ar stori gyda Helen Docherty?

Take a moment and listen to a story with Helen Docherty.

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If you're looking for fun things to keep children entertained, don’t forget to check out the BookTrust Cymru HomeTime Cupboard! It's packed full of treats, including draw alongs and stories in English and Welsh, it's just waiting for you….

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One, two, three, four, five… lets get ready to rhyme! Check out our online rhymes here:

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